Saturday, March 15, 2008

Info for the Next Semester

Right now every one is in a position where they can still pass. EVERYONE needs to be taking advantage of the re-take policy and making up their labs that they miss. Those two things account for 60 % of you nine weeks grade. Another thing to keep in mind is we are much closer to the EOCT! That one test, which I don't write, counts for 15% of your total grade. All that being said, no matter what your grade is right now the pressure is on you to take advantage and pass this class.

As a reminder we do make up tests any day of the week except Friday. We do Tutoring for re-takes on Tuesday and Thursday. and you can take re-takes on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. If you know you are coming please tell us so that we can prepare for you or make arrangements if we need to.

Keep working hard and let us know how we can help you succeed!
Ms. Smith

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